On September 8, the Hardin Lions Club welcomed Sam Houston Electric Cooperative representatives to their meeting. Chief Communications Officer Keith Stapleton and I, Communications Specialist Rachel Frey, shared information about Sam Houston Electric Cooperative’s community projects.
During our visit, we highlighted the way we address one of our principles, Concern for Community. Each year the Cooperative donates to local community groups. Thirty-two students received scholarships from the Co-op in 2015 to attend college or a technical school. Cooperative employees and members also support the Helping Hands program, which has provided more than $150,000 in help to members in need.
Operation Round Up is the newest community improvement program. Members can round up their bill to the next whole dollar, and donate the change to the Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Charitable Foundation. The funds will be distributed as grants to local non-profit organizations.
The visit quickly became a great opportunity for collaboration. The Hardin Lions shared community needs with us, and we had a wonderful conversation about how we can work together to help others. This year, some local families were unable to provide school supplies for their children. The Hardin Lions Club, local churches and individuals stepped up to make sure each student was prepared to learn on the first day of school.
We appreciate the Hardin Lions Club for allowing us to speak at their meeting. To learn more about their club visit: https://www.facebook.com/Hardin-Lions-Club-220076068047275/timeline/
If you are part of an organization that would like to have Sam Houston EC present information at an upcoming meeting, call the Cooperative at 800-458-0381, and ask for the communications department.