Testing Your Meter

Sam Houston Electric Cooperative tests and inspects our meters regularly to ensure a high standard of accuracy. The electric meter is one of the most accurate measuring devices ever created. If you have a question regarding your meter’s accuracy, however, you may contact the Cooperative to request your meter be tested.

There is no cost for this service, provided the same meter has not been tested at the member's request within the last 4 years. If a meter has been tested within the last 4 years at the member’s request and is found to be functioning properly, a service charge of $75 will be assessed for single-phase meters and $150 for three-phase meters.

It is a rare occasion to find that a meter is running fast. More commonly, as meters get older, they slow down. In these cases, a meter will allow more electricity to pass through it than it records. If a meter is found to be registering over or under 2% of the normal conditions of the member’s electric load, the member’s electric bill will be adjusted up or down to reflect the correction.