Lower Electric Bills with Energy Efficiency During Frigid Weather

With 1 arctic blast following another deep into Texas since November, members of electric cooperatives are seeing unexpectedly high energy bills, and many are asking why. Utilities across Texas are reporting record winter electricity demand following the coldest sustained temperatures in decades. In Northeast Texas in December, the National Weather Service reported only 7 days out of 31 had lows above 40 degrees.

To help avoid higher-than-normal energy bills, Sam Houston Electric Cooperative encourages its members to use electricity efficiently. Setting the thermostat to 68 degrees when home and lower when away saves money. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that lowering the thermostat to 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours a day can trim heating bills by 5 to 15%.

Other tips to reduce energy use:

  • Turn off and unplug nonessential lights and appliances.
  • Close shades and blinds at night to reduce heat lost through windows. Open them on sunny days to capture solar heat.
  • Avoid using inefficient and costly backup electric resistance heating and space heaters.
  • Change furnace filters.

Long-term home repairs and upgrades that save energy:

  • Install and set programmable thermostats.
  • Seal air leaks around doors, windows, plumbing, wiring, and any other places where air can infiltrate.
  • Ensure that exterior walls and attics contain the recommended amount and type of insulation.