The 2019 Sam Houston Electric Cooperative All -Employee Meeting was held recently in Livingston. The day-long event is the only time each year where nearly all 160 employees are together for training improve the quality of service the Cooperative’s members receive.
This year’s meeting started with a management update as leaders spoke to the employees about the Cooperative’s performance in 2018, and what they should anticipate for the next year for Sam Houston EC.
Employee-led breakout sessions were featured during this year’s meeting. A survey was filled out by employees a few weeks prior to the meeting to determine the topics of the sessions.
“I think the breakout sessions were great,” said Huda Hill, new construction representative. “It allowed us to learn what everyone else is doing. We don’t have to know the particulars of their job duties, but learning more is always interesting.
Hill had the opportunity to explain her role in the new construction process to a packed room of coworkers at the Polk County Commerce Center.
“I was very nervous, but now I feel good about it,” Hill said. “During the new construction presentation, my portion was to explain the new service ticket workflow and its detail, and to give a little information about what we do.”
Hill took advantage of another breakout session to learn more about the engineer’s responsibilities and roles at the Cooperative.
“I went to the engineering breakout session because I wanted to hear more about growth in our area,” Hill said. “Seeing what they have to go through to prepare for a new subdivision was an eye-opener. I now understand more about the planning process before it gets to us. There is a lot of work that goes into it that we don’t know or see.”