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  • Hindsman Recognized by Lamar Institute of Technology

Hindsman Recognized by Lamar Institute of Technology

Hindsman Recognized by Lamar Institute of Technology

Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Safety and Training Inspector Ronnie Hindsman was recognized on September 14 by Lamar Institute of Technology at the President’s Council Meeting for his support of the Utility Line Technician certificate program.

With LIT President Dr. Paul Szuch present, Hindsman received a plaque honoring his “Dedication and support of LIT Utility Line Students.”

“Ronnie is dedicated to serving this industry and supporting the people in it,” said Daniel Wright, Lamar Institute of Technology vice president of academic affairs. “He has set a high standard for all of us to follow.”

For a week in April 2015, Hindsman substitute taught for Utility Line Technology Program Coordinator Russell Koenig.

Hindsman also continuously supports the students of the program through his scholarship fund.

“After my first presentation at Texas Electric Cooperatives’ Safety Conference, I had several companies ask me to share my story with their cooperatives,” Hindsman said. “I did not want to make money off of my presentations, so I decided to make a scholarship fund to help a young person attend LIT.”

When Hindsman travels to other utility companies to share the story of his accident, he does not charge any speaking fees. According to Hindsman, he just asks that the company cover his travel expenses. Any other funds are donated to LIT.

According to Joanne Brown, director of development for LIT, Hindsman’s scholarship has raised close to $12,000 since 2011 to help students attend the program.

“I share my story to keep someone else from getting hurt,” Hindsman said. “Maybe my story will help someone change their work habits.”