To celebrate National Cooperative Month, Sam Houston Electric Cooperative is introducing Operation Round Up®, a new opportunity for the Cooperative and its members to partner in strengthening our communities.
Sam Houston EC was established by neighbors helping neighbors to electrify their homes and farms. With this mission accomplished, focus shifted toward providing reliable, affordable electricity. Now, after 75 years, the Cooperative is embarking on a new initiative to improve the quality of life for communities in which our members live.
“Operation Round Up allows us to turn a few cents from each member into a powerful force for good in our communities,” chief communications officer Keith Stapleton said.
Members who choose to join Operation Round Up, will have their bill rounded up to the next whole dollar each month. For example, a bill of $87.68 would be rounded up to $88.00. On average, $6 per member is donated each year. While that may sound like a small amount, the potential for positively impacting our communities is tremendous.
The Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Charitable Foundation, represented by a board of volunteer members, will guide the program and determine how to distribute the funds, beginning in early 2015.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative of South Carolina created the first Operation Round Up program in 1989. Their program has distributed more than $5.7 million dollars in grants, which have made dramatic impacts in improving quality of life in the communities they serve.
To participate in Operation Round Up call Sam Houston Electric Cooperative at 1-800-458-0381.