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  • New Website & E-Newsletter

New Website & E-Newsletter

New Website & E-Newsletter

The way Sam Houston Electric Cooperative communicates with our more than 52,000 member-owners is changing. We’re working hard to not only offer new lines of communication to our members, but also update and improve our long-standing communications tools.

Visitors to www.samhouston.net this month will be greeted by a fresh new look. The website contains all the same information and functionality you have been accustomed to, but we’ve made a few changes to make it easier to find exactly what you need.

If you have already registered to view your account online, you can sign in just as you did before. The login box is located in the upper right-hand part of every page. Visitors can still access Cooperative news and information, download an application, or even submit an online service request.

Also in September, members who have a valid email address on file with us will receive the first edition of our monthly e-newsletter. The Current will give members interactive access to our latest news and information.

With a fresh new website, the rise of social media and an e-newsletter, we now have more ways than ever to communicate with our membership.

If you would like to subscribe to Sam Houston EC’s e-newsletter, The Current, you can send an email (with your name and account number) to thecurrent@samhouston.net, or give us a call with your email address at 1-800-458-0381.