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  • ORU Awards First Grants to Local Nonprofit Organizations

ORU Awards First Grants to Local Nonprofit Organizations

ORU Awards First Grants to Local Nonprofit Organizations

The Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Charitable Foundation awarded its first grants in September to SpiritHorse Liberty Therapeutic Riding Center and Kids Free Clothing Exchange. Both organizations received a donation of $200.

SpiritHorse Liberty Therapeutic Riding Center provides therapeutic horseback riding services free of charge to people with disabilities, children who are victims of abuse and battered women. SpiritHorse serves 60 clients each week from across Sam Houston EC’s service area.

Kids Free Clothing Exchange provides children’s clothing at no charge to families in Polk, Trinity, Angelina, Tyler, Liberty, Hardin and San Jacinto counties. Clothing is available for children from infant through 18 years old. If this sounds like a group you would like to volunteer for, they need donations for appropriate school clothes and volunteers to help run the Exchange.

Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Charitable Foundation governs the Operation Round Up program. Each month many members “round up” their bill to the next whole dollar and donate the change to the foundation. Employees also contribute by rounding down their paychecks. The Sam Houston EC Charitable Foundation Board of Directors review grant applications each quarter and award funds to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that work to improve the quality of life for our members.