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Sign Up for mySamHouston Notifications

 Sign Up for mySamHouston Notifications

If you’ve ever experienced a service interruption, you probably have wondered how long it will last. Now, your mySamHouston online account can let you know!

To sign up for notifications, members must log in to their existing account on SamHouston.net, or create a new account. Click the Notifications tab to set up an email address or mobile phone to receive brief text messages from Sam Houston Electric Cooperative.

Members who sign up will receive a message when their service is interrupted by a power outage, along with the estimated time of restoration. Another notification will follow when power is restored, if you choose to sign up for it.

“We understand power interruptions can be inconvenient,” said Keith Stapleton, chief communications officer. “While our line technicians are working to restore power as quickly and safely as possible, you can stay informed about the status of your service.”

Co-op members can also sign up for usage notifications via text or email through the mySamHouston online portal. Under the Usage area, you can set limits for high and low kilowatt-hour use by day or even by hour. Be sure to click Save Subscription before leaving the page.

“Members can also download our app to check the status of their service, or report an outage without calling the office,” Stapleton said.

Call 1-800-458-0381 to speak with a co-op member service representative for assistance in setting up notifications.