Thank a Farmer

Posted: March 11, 2019 at 9:14 p.m.

farmer and farm equipmentMarch 14 is National Ag Day, for the 46th year by the Agriculture Council of America. It’s a good time to reflect on and appreciate the contributions of American farmers, who receive just 14.8¢, on average, of every food dollar consumers spend throughout the year, according to the National Farmers Union. The remaining 85% of food revenues go to marketing, processing, wholesale, distribution, and retail costs.

National Ag Day coincides with the beginning of cotton, corn, sorghum, and soybean planting season for many Texas farmers. Think of the wide variety of commodities and products those crops alone make possible—clothing and other textiles, animal feed, renewable fuels such as ethanol, and many convenience food products.

With each U.S. farmer feeding an average of about 165 people in exchange for a modest financial reward and, frequently, a lack of recognition, let’s take a moment to honor the hard work they do for our country’s benefit and that of others around the world. Agriculture is America’s number 1 export, a vitally important contributor to sustaining a healthy economy, and these stewards of our nation’s bounty deserve our gratitude and support.